
Meet Your Local ICT Company

About Us

We deliver value through a combination of process excellence, quality frameworks and service delivery innovation.


Deghan Enterprises(Deghan Solutions) is a leading provider of integrated communications, business and technology solutions. In partnership with global and backbone technology leaders, the company delivers solutions to customers in Broadband Internet, ICT Solutions, Security, Cloud Solutions, Web and Mobile App Development. When customers choose Deghan, they’re choosing an industry leader who will work tirelessly to achieve excellence in quality, safety and efficiency.

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Why choose us

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We promise to provide fully redundant international bandwidth through the fiber optic cable to guarantee reliable communications free of delays and interference at the most affordable rates. We promise to deliver innovative value added solutions which we will be upgrading regularly as technology evolves. We promise to invest in our people, our platforms and partner ecosystem to bring the latest technologies backed by expertise. We promise to back you up with the most responsive customer service as we offer a holistic user experience as good as any in the world. Join us today. We’d love to serve you

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Our Vision

To be recognized as the best value added service provider to our highly valued customers.

Our Mission

To provide high quality ICT products and value added services to our target customers with the aim of making customers work better and faster.

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